Brief description

Curriculum (German)

Degree programme code: 033 514
Degree programme: Bachelor's programme
Degree programme duration: 6 semesters
Workload: 180 ECTS credits
Degree: Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Available study places: 673
Language of instruction: German/English
Admission requirements: Secondary-school leaving certificate (Reifezeugnis) or university entrance qualification examination (Studienberechtigungsprüfung)
Application procedure: yes

Programme outcomes

The bachelor’s programme in International Business Administration aims at equipping students with methodological, institutional and application-oriented management expertise, thereby enabling them to solve business administration problems independently. Special attention will be paid to the needs of the economy in a dynamic and in an international environment.

Moreover, students will not only benefit from a sound education in the field of business administration, but can also choose from a range of extension curricula or occupational fields of the Faculty. This allows students to make the programme fit their personal career aspirations.

Fields of activity

Graduates from the degree programmes in International Business Administration and Business Administration essentially have the same career options and are qualified to work in leading positions in the field of economics.
Graduates of both fields of studies have the opportunity to work in marketing, controlling, accounting, IT, logistics, insurance and human resource management.

However, those striving for a career in an international company or a global organisation will have a clear advantage with a degree in International Business Administration.
After completing this programme, leading positions in international companies will be open to our graduates. Voluntary stays abroad in the course of the degree programme will add to our students’ linguistic, subject-specific and cultural competences.


Introductory and Orientation Period (STEOP)
ECTS credits required: 15
Only after passing all STEOP examinations, students can attend additional courses and take further examinations.
ECTS credits
Grundzüge der Allgemeinen Betriebswirtschaftslehre
(Basics of General Business Administration)
Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre
(Basics of Economics)
Grundzüge der Statistik
(Basic Principles of Statistics)
Core period
ECTS credits required: 102
ECTS credits
ABWL: Unternehmensführung
ABWL: Produktion und Logistik
(Production and Logistics)
ABWL: Marketing
ABWL: Finanzwirtschaft
(Financial Management)
ABWL: Betriebswirtschaftliches Rechnungswesen
(Business Administration-Accounting)
Quantitative Methoden
(Quantitative Methods in Business Administration)
Soziologie und Informationstechnologie
(Business Sociology and Information Technology)
Grundzüge des Rechts
(Introduction to Private and Business Law)
Business English
(Business English)
Specialisation period
ECTS credits required: 63
ECTS credits
Specialisation: International Business24

Bachelor’s Module

VO Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
(VO Introduction to Academic Work) (1 ECTS credit)

SE Bachelorseminar
(SE Bachelor’s Seminar) (incl. Bachelor’s Thesis - 8 ECTS credits)

Extension curricula/ Stay abroad/ Individual Specialisation Module
More than 120 extension curricula from the entire range of courses of the University of Vienna are available to our students.

 Curriculum/Study plan

For all legal regulations and a detailed description of the structure of this degree programme, please refer to the curriculum.

Personal requirements

No particular previous knowledge is required if you would like to enrol on the bachelor’s programme in International Business Administration. However, it is important that you are interested in economic issues and intercultural relations.
So if you would like to know how the international market works, how international companies work together, what is meant by "international resource transfer" and "value added system" and if you are additionally interested in learning foreign languages, the bachelor’s programme in International Business Administration is the right fit for you.


You find general information about the admission procedure on the website of the StudiesServiceCenter

Detail information about deadlines for Business Administration, International Business Administration and Economics are found on the website

Contact and help

Please address questions and concerns regarding the admission procedure to "Studienservice und Lehrwesen" via their contact form.

If you have any questions regarding the content of the programme, please contact:

If you have organisational questions regarding the programme, please contact:

You find useful information on the website of the SSC.

Bachelor - All Study Programmes