General Information – Recognition of Examinations, professional experiences etc.
For a recognition of examinations, the examinations taken have to correspond to the examination performance specified in the curriculum according to content, workload and mode of examination to a large extent.
Information Büro Studienpräses:
Please check the equivalence of the examinations in advance on your own using curricula, our online course directory u:find (detailed course description) and information provided on the departments’ webpages.
The responsible Directorate of Studies ultimately decides on the recognition of examinations. A valid admission must already be available when the application is submitted.
Special recognitions:
- standardised recognition
- completed extension curricula from prior study programme
- Covid-19: Recognition of support work
- Sustainability Challenge
- Examinations taken abroad
- Taking examinations that are not offered by the University of Vienna
- Nostrification (recognition of foreign degrees)
- Validation
- Recognition from non-degree Studies
Not recognisable:
- Already recognised achievements – only the original examination can be recognised.
- Requirement courses – If requirement courses have been prescribed within the scope of the admission procedure to the Master's degree programmes, these must be completed at the faculty.
Submission of recognition
Please submit your application via the ticket system Anerkennungen Wirtschaftswissenschaften ("Recognitions Business, Economics & Statistics") at the service desk of the University of Vienna:
Attention! Please take the following into account in advance:
- Only correct and complete applications for recognition will be forwarded to the Director of Studies (SPL) for review. Otherwise, the application must be rejected on formal grounds.
- The documents submitted (transcripts of records, course descriptions) must be of an official nature. You can also send links to official sites (in English or in German). Self-compiled or copied descriptions will not be accepted.
- Communication involving personal data is only possible via the ticket system connected to your u:account. E-mails/answers from private addresses will not ge be processed or answered.
- Please submit only one application for all examinations at one institution (University of Vienna, WU Vienna, external university).
If one form is not enough, please upload additional forms in the ticket-system according to the courses.
standardised recognition
You will find below lists of equivalences to exam credits already approved in advance by the study program director.
- from the "Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien"
- from the "rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien"
Submission via Servicedesk of the University of Vienna - Anerkennungen Wirtschaftswissenschaften
In this case, no content information needs to be sent along.
completed extension curricula from prior study programme
If you have already completed an extension curriculum in full as part of a Bachelor's degree programme at the University of Vienna and would like to have this EC recognised for a further Bachelor's degree programme, please refer to the extension curriculum to see whether it may be used for the desired degree programme. The Directorate of Studies of the main study is responsible for the recognition of the entire EC. No registration via u:space is required for the recognition of a completed EC. Please use the form "Anerkennung innerhalb der Universität Wien" an note in the commentary field, that it has to be a recogition for the completed EC.
Covid-19: Recognition of support work
Recognition of activities, provided that they are comparable to the internships required in the curriculum, is permissible (e.g. internships in nursing science, provided that work was done in the nursing field).
Support activities can be recognised for the alternative extension or elective courses. These recognitions cannot replace compulsory courses! No subject-related internships and/or modules for individual specialisation may be replaced by the recognition of activities related to COVID-19. If you are unsure which module of your curriculum may be used for recognition, please contact your director of studies or the SSC.
The starting date and time frame of the activity are relevant for recognition.
Activities accepted as related to COVID-19 include community service, military service, hospital service, nursing service and transport service of persons in need of care, service in water or electricity supply, care of minors in public institutions, harvest assistance, sale of food, etc.
Please use the form on the website of the Studienpräses:
Recognition of 4 ECTS points per month of support work is possible. The calculation key for the recognition is as follows:
Hours per month | ECTS points | Recognition possible? |
0 – 15 hours | 0 ECTS points | No |
16 – 25 hours | 1 ECTS point | Yes |
26 – 50 hours | 2 ECTS points | Yes |
51 – 75 hours | 3 ECTS points | Yes |
from 76 hours | 4 ECTS points | Yes |
Sustainability Challenge
You can find details here:
Sustainability Challenge Homepage
Info about application for the Sustainability Challenge at the University of Vienna
Recognition of the Sustainability Challenge is possible depending on your curriculum in the following modules:
- BA (I)BW: C. Alternative Erweiterung (8 ECTS)
- MA BW 2016: C. Wahlmodul (8 ECTS)
- MA IBW 2016: B.1. Internationales Management (4 ECTS) & D. Wahlmodul - weitere Lehrveranstaltungen (4 ECTS)
- MA BW 2024: AM9 Wahlmodul (4 ECTS)*
- MA IBW 2024 AM9 Wahlmodul (4 ECTS)*
*Attention: Since the new Master's curricula in (International) Business Administration only offeres a 'Wahlmodul' for 4 ECTS there is no possiblity to recognise 8 ECTS. If you need AM9 for fulfilling prerequesites of the curriculum for the specialisation modules, a recognition of the Sustainability Challenge is not possible! Please read your curriculum and consider which specialisation you want to take!
As overfulfillment of modules is not permitted by law you would have to move courses to the interest module and wouldn't be able to use them for your degree as a result.
Examinations taken abroad
If you have taken examinations/gained experience abroad while you have been enrolled at the University of Vienna, you find the relevant information on the web page of the International Support.
Taking examinations that are not offered by the University of Vienna
If a compulsory or elective course of your curriculum is not offered at the University of Vienna, you have the possibility to complete this course at another university institution. However, BEFORE completing this course, you must submit an application for pre-approval to your study program director. Pre-approval is not required for pure electives (Alternate Extension), as the offer to complete the module is broadly available here in any case.
Form: Vorausgenehmigung
submit to:
Nostrification (recognition of foreign degrees)
Nostrification stands for the recognition of a foreign degree as an Austrian one. Through nostrification, the foreign degree is declared to be equivalent to an Austrian university degree. The holder is then also entitled to use an Austrian academic title.
Detailed information is available on the website of the the Office of the Studienpräses.
Initial contact in the Office of the Studienpräses:
Claudia Fritz-Larott
Office of the Studienpräses
University of Vienna
1010 Vienna, Universitätsring 1
Phone: + 43- 1-4277-12154
Fax: +43-1-4277-12159
Andere berufliche oder außerberufliche Qualifikationen können nach Durchführung einer Validierung der Lernergebnisse bis zum Höchstausmaß von max. 60 ECTS anerkannt werden.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Validierungen VOR einem Anerkennungsantrag zu stellen sind und der Prozess einiges an Zeit abverlangen kann.
§13h. (1) Im Verfahren zur Validierung der Lernergebnisse von Qualifikationen nach § 78 Abs. 3 UG sind folgende Standards als Kriterien heranzuziehen:
1. der aktuelle Stand der Wissenschaft und ihrer Lehre;
2. die im jeweiligen Curriculum festgelegten Ziele der relevanten Module und/oder Lehrveranstaltungen.
(2) Der*Die Antragsteller*in hat die Qualifikationen nach § 78 Abs. 3 UG durch geeignete Unterlagen zu belegen (§ 78 Abs. 4 Z 3 UG). Wenn die beantragten Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen anhand der Unterlagen nicht feststellbar sind, kann der*die Studienpräses eine Beurteilung (z. B. Validierungsgespräch, Stichprobentest, Arbeitsproben) durch fachkundige Mitarbeiter*innen des wissenschaftlichen Personals anordnen.“
Der Antrag ist über den Servicedesk einzureichen
Bitte verwenden Sie dieses Formular
Eine Ausfüllhilfe finden Sie hier
Bitte beachten: eine Validierung für das Modul 'Alternative Erweiterung' ist nicht möglich, da dies durch die Verordnung zu anerkennbaren Leistungen (in welcher keine validierten Leistungen gelistet sind) für die Alternative Erweiterung ausgeschlossen ist.
Recognitions from non-degree studies
Exams completed by non-degree students can be recognized for regular studies.
Exception: It is not possible to take (partial) diploma examinations, module examinations or final examinations Examination before an Examination Committee.
Extraordinary studies for completing the qualitative admission requirements: