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Gratulation: Bill Nobles Fellowship für Markus Reitzig

[English version below]

Die Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) vergibt seit 2011 das Bill Nobles Fellowship, das Forschung im Bereich alternativer Unternehmensführung unterstützt.

Markus Reitzig, Professor für Strategisches Management, wurde vom Selektionskommittee der Rutgers University (New Jersey), School of Management and Labor Relations, für das Bill Nobles Fellowship ausgewählt. Prof. Reitzig wird Fellow am Institute for Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing.

Das Fellowship anerkennt die umfassenden Forschungsarbeiten von Prof. Reitzig in den Bereichen Führung und nicht-hierarchischen Organisationen. Während des zweijährigen Fellowships wird Prof. Reitzig mehrere öffentliche Keynote Lectures halten und das Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at Rutgers University in Bezug auf Auswahl und Finanzierung neuer Forschungsprojekte beraten.

Anfang 2022 erscheint zudem Prof. Reitzigs Buch “Get Better at Flatter: A Guide to Shaping and Leading Organizations with Less Hierarchy”, das seine aktuelle Forschung zum Thema flache Hierarchien beinhaltet.

Die Fakultät gratuliert Prof. Reitzig sehr herzlich!

The Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) has been awarding the Bill Nobles Fellowship, which supports research on alternatives to hierarchical organization in the corporation, since 2011.

Prof. Reitzig was chosen for the Bill Nobles Fellowship by the Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA), School of Management and Labor Relations. Prof. Reitzig will be a fellow of the Institute for Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at the SMLR.

This Fellowship recognises the research done by Prof. Reitzig in the areas of leadership and non-hierarchical organizations. As part of the fellowship, Prof. Reitzig will give several keynote lectures to the broader public over the coming two years and advise the Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at Rutgers University on the selection and sponsoring of new research projects.

Most recently Prof. Reitzig's related research has culminated in the writing of a book on how to change to and operate with flat hierarchical structures, and when such a thing is feasible for a company (or when it might not be). The book "Get Better at Flatter: A Guide to Shaping and Leading Organizations with Less Hierarchy" is currently in production and will be published early next year.

The Faculty warmly congratulates Prof. Reitzig!

Markus Reitzig ist Professor am Institut für Rechnungswesen, Innovation und Strategie.