OUTGOING - Further Opportunities

In addtion to the more common exchange programmes, there are several other opportunities for students to internationalise their studies:

  • KWA Short-term grant abroad
  • CEEPUS  Central European Exchange Programm for University Studies
  • Fulbright Studying in the US
  • CESEENET Central and South-East European PhD Network
  • OeAD Database for Scholarships and Research Grants


Self-organised exchange stay abroad (course recognition)

You can organise your own semester abroad at an international university if you do not wish to participate in one of our exchange programmes. However, you must coordinate this with the university of your choice yourself! You will be responsible for all the necessary administrative steps (tuition fees, recognition, etc.).

As with participation in exchange programmes, it is highly recommended that you have your course choice approved in advance by our director of studies if you wish to have them recognised for your studies after your return.
You may make use of the simplified recognition options in the course of a self-organised stay abroad.

For pre-approval, please submit the relevant approval form together with detailed  course descriptions via the Service Desk under "Pre-approval for stays abroad".

For the recognition of the courses after your return, submit the completed second part of the recognition form as well as the transcript of the host university under "Recognition of stays abroad".

Please note:

  • Only correct and complete applications for recognition will be processed and forwarded to the director of studies for review. Otherwise, the application must be rejected for formal reasons.
  • The documents submitted (confirmations, course descriptions, etc.) must be of an official nature. You can also send links to official webpages (content in German or English). Self-created or copied descriptions will not be accepted.
  • Communication involving personal data is only possible via the ticket system in connection with your u:account.
    ATTENTION: E-mails/responses from private addresses cannot be considered without exception!