MA (I)BW discontinuing studies and new curricula starting WS24 (homepage in progress)

The new Master's programmes Business Administration and International Business Administration start on 1 October 2024. With this date, the expiry period for the former curricula "Master's Programme in Business Administration" and "Master's Programme in International Business Administration" begins and no enrollment for the former curricula will be possible anymore.

You have the possibility to either enroll in the new curriculum or to complete the current curriculum by 31 October 2026.

Completing the old curriculum

(International) Business Administration - 2016

  • Old Curricula
  • Completing missing courses
  • Submitting Master's thesis
  • Planning defense

Transfering to the new curriculum

(International) Business Administration - 2024

  • New Curricula
  • Transfer vs. Admission in new study programme
  • Recognition of Previously Passed Exams
  • Time of Transfer
  • Transfer Procedure (tba soon)