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Save the Date: Expanding Globally, Preserving Tradition and Family Values

Another "Wissenschaft und Praxis" event will be on June, 6th and has the topic "Expanding Globally, Preserving Tradition and Family Values". 

One of our guests will be ALPLA family manager Carmen Lehner. ALPLA is a worldwide leader in the development and production of plastic packaging solutions. Carmen Lehner will give firsthand insights about family firms and how to successfully manage them successfully.

Dr. Francesco Debellis, chair of international business will give theoretical insights about the topic of family firms. 

Prof. Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki will moderate the event. 



Save the Date:

Tuesday, June 6th 2023 

5:15 p.m.

Sky Lounge (12 O.G.), Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna 

  • Carmen Lehner, ALPLA
  • Dr. Francesco Debellis, Chair of International Business 



Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki 

Chair of International Business 


We would like to invite you to the buffet at the end

Register now!

Deadline for the registration: May, 25th 2023