OUTGOING - Erasmus+

The Erasmus+ Programme funded by the European Union provides students with a great opportunity to study at a partner university for a semester. The number of students from our faculty participating in this valuable experience increases each year.

Here you can find all necessary information for organising your exchange stay. 



Erasmus exchange places

The currently available places can be found on Mobility Online from mid-January (for the main application period) and early September (for the second application period).
Please note, changes may occur due to ongoing exchang-agreement negotiations.

The generally available Erasmus+ places at our faculty can be found here:

(Int.) Business Administration + Banking und Finance + Business Analytics

(last update: May 2024)

Required language(s): If more than one language is indicated, only knowledge of ONE OF THE TWO has to be proven (e.g. Kobenha05: English B2, Danish B2 -> You either have to hand in a certificate for English B2 or Danish B2 for the application).

Mobility Online

This platform allows you to filter the available places by study programme and country. Students of Business Administration and Banking and Finance may choose the places for International Business Administration.

Places with a red traffic light are already occupied. Places with a green sign are vacant and available for application. Please note that the database is updated shortly before the application period.

Registration via Mobility Online is only possible during the application period. The necessary link is here 

If you have technical problems with the platform, please contact the central International Office.

Application deadlines


Please note, our faculty has earlier application deadlines than the central International Office!

  • Main application period 2025: Application until 26 February 2025, 23:59 (for winter and summer semester 2025/26)
  • Second application period 2025: Application until the end of September 2025 (for remaining places for the summer semester 2026)
  • Applications submitted late will not be considered!

All necessary documents must be submitted correctly via Mobility Online. Registration via Mobility Online is only possible during the application period. The necessary link is here

Please submit your application over the course of February or September, and not on the last day of the application period.
Places are not allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The submission date is irrelevant for the assessment of your application (as long as the deadline has not passed).

  • The completion of the STEOP-module is a mandatory prerequisite for application for students from all bachelor's programmes (BW, IBW, VWL, Statistik)!

Application procedure and necessary documents

If you would like to apply for an Erasmus+ exchange place, please proceed as follows:

STEP 1: Carefully consult all available information on partner universities, available places and course recognition

You can find information

  • about the available places here
  • on the recognition procedure here
  • on your preferred host universities on their website

For questions about the host university that cannot be answered viatheir website (Which courses/faculties may be attended by Erasmus students? How is the semester organised? What about accommodation? ...) please contact the International Office of the respective host university!

If you have specific questions, we strongly recommend contacting the International Support (especially if you are unsure about the recognition process)!

You have informed yourself sufficiently about all of the above points?
Then (and only then) continue with step 2...


STEP 2: Submission of the application documents via Mobility Online

If you experience technical problems with Mobility Online, please contact the central International Office!

Registration via Mobility Online is only possible during the application period, then you find the necessary link here 

The following documents have to uploaded before the deadline (1 PDF document per main bulletpoint)

  • Letter of motivation + CV
    • The language of these documents depends on the required language of the first preference.
    • The letter of motivation has to be at least 1 A4 page (12pt., 1.5x line spacing) and must contain sound academic arguments for your application.
    • Only one letter of motivation is necessary in which you carefully argue for your first preference, but you may also mention other preferences.
    • If available, you may also include other documents which you feel support your application (letter of reference, internship certificates, confirmation of past summer school/language courses/charity work, etc.) as well as the Buddy Programme certificate issued by our faculty. Please attach these additional documents after your CV.
  • Current transcript of records
  • ID (passport or ID card)
  • Proof of language skills (where necessary)
    • A suitable language certificate must be submitted for each university in your preference list.
    • If you would like to use your attendance of a Business Communication (Wiko) or Business English class as proof of your language skills, please upload a transcript of records in which the relevant course is highlighted.
    • If you have passed the OOPT, please upload your Result Card.
  • Correctly and completely filled in preliminary list of courses (please download the form, fill it  in and upload it to Mobility Online under "further documents")
    • This list does not represent your final choice of classes! It is meant to show that you have carefully prepared your studies at the partner university and that you are well-informed about the course recognition procedure and recommendations.
    • No courses can be submitted to the SPL for approval before the nomination for an Erasmus stay!

It would be highly appreciated if you would submit your application documents in the course of February/September, not on the day of the deadline.

Assessment criteria for the applications:

    ->> Missing documents will only be requested once (and ONLY if the application was submitted before the last day) and have to be submitted before the application deadline.
    Otherwise the application will be processed without them and assessed accordingly.
  • Grade point average
  • Study efficiency (ECTS per semester)
  • Work experience/internships (relevant to studies and/or during studies)
  • Intercultural experience (additional language skills, stays abroad etc.)
  • Additional activities during the studies (relevant to studies, charity work etc.)
  • Motivation and commitment (quality/care of application documents, letter of motivation, participation in Faculty Buddy Programme)

Students whose nationality is different to their prefered host university will be prioritised if necessary.

Language requirements

For the Erasmus+ application, official proof of the applicant's language skills must be submitted for English, French, Spanisch, Italian and Portuguese. The necessary level is specified in the Erasmus agreement with the respective partner university.
The language certificate must be submitted together with all other application documents!
(If you are using a language class taken at the university as your language certificate, please upload your transcript of records and highlight the relevant course.)

Information regarding the individual requirements for the partner universities can be found via Mobility Online. If two language are indicated for a place, (e.g., English C1, Finnish B2), a certificate is required for ONLY ONE LANGUAGE. It is, however, your responsibility to make sure that enough courses in this language are offered.

Proof of German skills has to be submitted by students of the master's programmes Economics, Applied Economics, Research in Economics & Finance, Banking & Finance and Business Analytics.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Partner universities may have specific requirements regarding accepted language certificates. You may need a certain certificate (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, ...) for the registration at your host university (after being nominated by us).
    Please carefully research the particular language requirements of your desired host universities!

Detailed information on the language certificates accepted for the application at the University of Vienna can be found on the website of the central International Office.

Good to know - Language certificates for students of our faculty

  • The Oxford Online Placement Test (OOPT) offered at our faculty may be used as language certificate the Erasmus+ application. The available test dates can be found on the website of the Division of Business Languages.
  • Successful completion of the UK Business Communication may be used as Spanish, French or Italian  language certificate.
    Business Communication I -> B1 level according to CEFR
    Business Communication II -> B2 level according to CEFR

PLEASE NOTE: Partner universities may require an additional language certificate!

Withdrawal from an Erasmus+ nomination

Should you withdraw from your exchange stay without a valid excuse or due to a lack of care with your preparations, the faculty reserves the right to suspend you from Erasmus+ applications for one year.

Of course it is possible to withdraw from an Erasmus+ stay by giving valid reasons (financial, health-related, serious personal issues).

Please note: You are nominated for an Erasmus+ stay as soon as you have been informed about the allocation of the place.

Pre-Approval of Courses (After the nomination)

  • There are two options for course recognition in the context of stays abroad:
    • 1:1 recognition (equivalent courses, i.e. courses that are at least 80% identical in subject matter, can also be recognized 1:1 for our courses
    • Simplified recognitions
  • What does "simplified recognition" (Vereinfachte Anerkennung) mean?
    Simplified recognition means that the courses you take at the host university only have to fit roughly into the module and do not have to be identical in content to the courses offered at our university. e.g: In the IBW Master's programme, courses in the B1 Int. Management module can be recognised in a simplified way to the extent of 16 ECTS. You should look for courses that fall into the subject area, they do not have to have exactly the same content as our courses.
  • Important note on the recognition of courses from the business administration majors/minors/specialisations in the Master's programme BW/IBW
    If you want to complete courses abroad from the subject area (major/minor, specialisation) in which you are planning to write your master's thesis, the director of studies strongly recommends that you discuss this with the responsible person from the respective subject area (MA thesis supervisor).
  • Recommendations on which courses are best chosen for an exchange stay and which can be more easily recognised may be found here
  • Please note: Courses already completed may not be "repeated" abroad (repetition of positive examination results)!
    The repetition of completed exams (e.g. to improve the grade) through recognition is prohibited. However, this only applies to 1:1 recognitions, not to the modules that are available for the simplified recognition options.
  • Are there lists of past approved recognitions?
    For capacity reasons, we are not able to keep lists of equivalents, this would also not make much sense due to the various specialisations of our students and the diverse and constantly changing course offer by our numerous partner universities.
    Please compare the courses offered at the partner university with the courses of your curriculum or the modules that can be recognised in a simplified way before you apply.

Pre-approval of recognitions (after the nomination)

Pre-approvals/recognitions within the semester abroad take place after nomination with the so-called "Learning Agreement". This gives you the certainty that pre-approved courses will actually be recognised after completing your stay abroad.
It is in your interest to engage with the recognition procedure in detail in the course of your application.

  1. Search for courses from the online course catalogues of the partner universities.
    In most cases, a course catalogue for the period of your stay is not yet available at the time of application, so please refer to the current or past course catalogues. If you do not find what you are looking for on the website of the partner university, please contact the International Office of your host university
  2. Think about alternatives in case some of your chosen classes are not offered or you are not accepted in all of them
    Feel free to submit a few more courses for approval than necessary. But do not go overboard - all your submissions have to be processed by us and checked by the SPL, after all.
  3. Check the level of the courses
    Here, Master's students in particular should make sure that they select courses from the Master's programmes of the partner universities. At universities with 4-year BA programmes, 4th-year BA courses may also be selected if no or too few MA classes are available upon individual arrangement.
  4. Matching course descriptions
    Only equivalent courses, i.e. courses that are at least 80% the same in terms of subject matter, can also be recognised 1:1 for our courses. Therefore, carefully compare the desired courses abroad with those of our faculty (ECTS, extent, contents, examination modalities, literature). SIMILAR COURSE NAMES ARE NOT SUFFICIENT!

    Exception: Simplified recognition - Please use this option as much as possible! (see recognition recommendations)
  5. Check the total ECTS of your course selection
    The ECTS points between the courses to be recognised must match or the course at the host university can also have more credits. In the case of 1:1 recognition, the exact number of ECTS credits is recognised (usually 4 ECTS for our courses); in the case of recognition on a module basis, more credits can also be recognised (of course not more than are available in the module).

    For the Erasmus grant to be awarded, 3 ECTS credits per month must be approved in advance and actually recognised after your return, e.g. 15 ECTS credits for a stay of 5 months.
    You may, of course, take more courses at the host university and do not have to have all of them recognised. You also do not have to actually attend all pre-approved courses as long as you collect the required ECTS credits.

    ATTENTION: Seminars (SE) that are a compulsory part of your curriculum are only recognised in exceptional cases!
  6. To be submitted via the Service Desk under "Pre-approval stays abroad" (PDF documents only!):
    • Pre-approval form for Erasmus+
      • Left column: Title of the courses at the host university
        Right column: Title of the courses/modules according to your curriculum (also for ECs)
      • Please indicate simplified recognitions as such (e.g. "International Management - Elective Courses Simplified", "Module C. Electives Simplified", "AM9 Elective Course Simplified" etc.).
        In the field "Course number of the home university", please enter the module number according to your curriculum.
      • In the case of 1:1 recognition, please indicate in the right part of the LA for which module/major/minor the respective course is to be approved. Please enter this information before the course number, e.g. "Major Strat. Management: 040020"
    • Exact course description for each course
      • 1 document per course, no collected descriptions (Please name your PDFs sensibly! e.g. coursename_SurnameStudent)
      • The course descriptions should ideally be official PDF documents of the host university. Alternatively, you can submit screenshots of the website (including links to the original website). Do NOT submit Word documents or similar that you have copied yourself!
  7. Transfer the approved courses to Mobility Online (in the format of the pre-approval!)

The decision-making authority regarding approval/recognition lies with the director of studies (SPL)!


Course recognition recommendations

  • What does "simplified recognition" (Vereinfachte Anerkennung) mean?
    Simplified recognition means that the courses you take at the host university only have to fit roughly into the module and do not have to be identical in content to the courses offered at our university. e.g: In the IBW Master's programme, courses in the B1 Int. Management module can be recognised in a simplified way to the extent of 16 ECTS. You should look for courses that fall into the subject area, they do not have to have exactly the same content as our courses.
  • Please note: Courses already completed may not be "repeated" abroad (repetition of positive examination results)!
    The repetition of completed exams (e.g. to improve the grade) through recognition is prohibited. However, this only applies to 1:1 recognitions, not to the modules that are available for the simplified recognition options.
  • Can only courses for the modules of the simplified recognition be taken and recognised?
    In principle, you may take as many courses as the host university allows you to - regardless of whether they are recognised here or not. You can also submit any other courses for recognition and have them checked by the SPL, but this would then be a 1:1 recognition, i.e. the content, examination modalities etc. must be at least 80% the same as the course offered by us.
    We strongly recommend that you make use of the simplified recognition as far as possible!
    If you want to complete courses abroad from the subject area (major/minor, specialisation) in which you are planning to write your master's thesis, the director of studies strongly recommends that you discuss this with the responsible person from the respective subject area (MA thesis supervisor).
  • Are there lists of past approved recognitions?
    For capacity reasons, we are not able to keep lists of equivalents, this would also not make much sense due to the various specialisations of our students and the diverse and constantly changing course offer by our numerous partner universities.
    Please compare the courses offered at the partner university with the courses of your curriculum or the modules that can be recognised in a simplified way before you apply.

Course changes (during the stay)

Course changes are possible and do occur due to the extensive lead times. It is very important that you inform us as soon as possible if you have to change some of your courses.

If you are on an Erasmus+ stay, please use the "Versioning" function on Mobility Online for course changes.

All other outgoings please proceed in the same way as for pre-approval and submit an approval request form via the ticket system which ONLY contains the new recognitions to be approved.

Extension of stay

  • Please note: An extension is only possible if you are nominated for the winter semester!
    If you are nominated for the summer semester, your exchange stay cannot be extended.

Please follow the necessary steps for the extension provided by the central International Office.

Course recognition (after the stay)

Necessary documents (PDF format!)

  • Completed application for recognition (to be found on Mobility Online).
    • Left column: Title and ECTS points/credits of the courses at the host university
    • Right column: Title of the courses + modules/minor/major according to your curriculum.
      in the case of simplified recognition, enter the module title, e.g. "International Management - Elective Courses Simplified", "Module C. Electives" etc.
      for Bachelor elective module: "Elective module/study abroad".
    • Indication of ECTS
  • If you are submitting courses for recognition which were not pre-approved by the SPL: detailled course description for these courses
  • Transcript of records of the host university


Via our Service Desk under "Recognition of stays abroad".

Please note:

  • Only correct and complete applications for recognition will be processed and forwarded to the director of studies for review. Otherwise, the application must be rejected for formal reasons.
  • The submitted documents (confirmations, certificates or similar) must be of an official nature.
  • Communication with personal data is only possible via the ticket system in connection with your u:account.
    ATTENTION: E-mails/responses from private addresses cannot be considered without exception!
  • Please complete this experience report no later than 2 months after your Erasmus stay and send it to the International Support - it will help other students enormously in preparing for their semester abroad.

Student reports

Subsequently you can find the experience reports of previous Erasmus+ outgoing students.

These reports reflect personal impressions and do not necessarily represent the views of the International Support and our faculty.

The reports are meant to provide initial information to give a short overview on the host university and the context of the stay. Naturally, changes to the reported situations may occur.

We do not have reports for all our partner universities. Please help us complete our database by submitting your full report after the end of your exchange stay! Von manchen Partneruniversitäten haben wir leider keine Erfahrungsberichte.

DE - Berlin01

DE - Berlin13

DE - Hamburg01

DE - Mannh01

DK - Kobenha01

DK - Kobenha05

DK - Odense01

ES - Barcelo01

ES - Barcelo02

ES - Madrid04

ES - Valenci01

FI - Helsink03

FR - Bordeau57

FR - Lyon03

FR - Lyon10

FR - Paris001

FR - Paris009

FR - Paris014

FR - Strasbo48

GR - Athine04

HR - Zagreb01

IE - Maynoot01

IT - Bologna01

IT - Roma03

NL - Amsterd01

NL - Groning01

NL - Tilburg01

NO - Bergen02

NO - Sandvik02

PL - Krakow04

PT - Lisboa03

PT - Lisboa07

PT - Lisboa109


SE - Jonkopi01

SE - Karlsta01

SE - Linkopi01

SE - Stockho01

SI - Ljublja01

  • Sommersemester 2017

TR - Istanbul01

UK - London017