29. Juni 2016
Was: | Masterarbeitspreis |
Wann: | 29. Juni 2016 |
Wo: | Skylounge (12. OG) |
Zur Fotogalerie |
Wir gratulieren sehr herzlich den Prämierten!
Katarina Bachner, BSc MSc
"Don't speak – an in-store segmentation of consumers based on their non-verbal behaviour"
Sponsor: Miba AG
Maximilian Böger, BSc MSc
"Maßgeschneiderte Akquirierung von Kunden im Projektgeschäft - strategisches Management eines Startups"
Sponsor: KPMG Austria GmbH
Alina-Gabriela Dragomir, BSc MSc
"Routing and scheduling of employees with different skills in multiple working locations"
Sponsor: RISC Software GmbH
Marcel Uwe Dumeier, BSc MSc
"Charging and routing strategies for electric vehicle routing considering flexible energy pricing patterns"
Sponsor: Voltia AT GmbH
Michaela Kirchhofer, BSc MSc
"Disentangling the effects of brand- and consumer characteristics on brand evaluation"
Sponsor: OMV AG
Thomas Scheffl, BSc MSc
"DIE QUAL DER WAHL – Der Choice Overload Effekt"
Sponsor: Miba AG
Halina Marie Schikner, BSc BSc MSc
"Ego Depletion in Group Decision Making"
Sponsor: PORR AG
Maria Tomasz, Bakk. MSc
"Visual Attractiveness of the Routes in the Vehicle Routing Problem"
Sponsor: Fachbereich Produktion und Logistik
Irina Vittur, Dott.ssa MSc
"Emotions Generated by Country Stereotypes and their Impact on Consumer Behavior"
Sponsor: Talk Online Panel GmbH